Hi! I'm Nida, the Developer and author of this website and blog.
I'm a Full Stack Developer with 4+ years of experience. I'm working as a Software Engineer at Informatica. I also write technical articles for websites like Sitepoint and Twilio
About this website
This website is to help Software Developers understand concepts about programming, frontend development, backend development and frameworks, required to become a smarter and better Developer. I write practical and in-depth technical articles on development environment setups, Spring Boot, ReactJs, website development etc.
Since all the articles are written keeping beginners in mind, this helps me do thorough research before writing articles on any topic.
What's the Tech Stack used for this website?
This website is built using Gatsby, a static site generator built with React, Gatsby and Nodejs and optimized for performance and SEO.
I've used Gatsby Starter Blog as the boilerplate and developed the functionalities and UI from scratch to suit the requirements.
The website is deployed on Netlify that hosts static websites.
Contact Me
Want me to write for your websites or product?
I write technical content for many companies that target millions of users per month. If you want me to write for your website, product, etc., you can reach out to me by sending an email at [email protected]
Advertise your services and product
You can also advertise your services and product on my blogs. To do so, reach out to me at [email protected]
Want to write for this website?
If you would like to write articles for this website and get better exposure and reach larger audiences, you can fill the pitch form, and we'll get back to you soon.
If you have any other queries, you can reach out to me at [email protected]